1 Corinthians 6:1-6 clearly states that the worldly court system primarily deals with matters of this life mean while Church matters should be handled by the Church leaders.
In Acts 21—22 Paul was arrested and to defend himself, he asked whether it was lawful to whip a Roman citizen like him before trial and he was allowed to defend himself. Paul also used secular law because he already was taken there.
In 1 Corinthians 6:7, Apostle Pauls's concern was the testimony of the believer if issues are taken to court. Further, this will drag the victims away from the Church thus the chances of restoration are less.
To summarize, the question remains, should believers in Christ resort to court over church-related conflicts? The answer is no! Secondly, how should the Church resolve civil matters? Let them try to avoid it if there is a possibility! Again how should the Chuch handle civil issues with unbelievers? They should try to avoid it if possible. Looking at Pauls's example, sometimes we may find ourselves in secular courts, in such circumstances, you can defend yourself using the secular law if it doesn't contradict the scriptures. Note! If the law sues you, as in the light, you can boldly remind them of what the scripture says and no matter what, stand for the truth even if it will cost you being jailed.